News and Events

The signature ceremony of collective labour agreement

Friday, 17/08/2012, 08:39 GMT+7

The union local of Sonadezi AN Binh joint stock company organized the signature ceremony of collective labour agreement

On 13th August, 2012, The union local of Sonadezi An Binh joint stock company’s in company with SZA’s board of manafers signed the collective labour agreement in 2012. Taking part in the ceremony include:
-    SZA’s board of managers
-    SZA’s executive board of union local
-    The leader of the union local and representative of trade-unionist
The collective labour agreement is the written agreement between the collective employees and employers about the labour conditions and employment, duties and rights of two parties in labour relationship. The collective labour agreement was signed by SZA’s executive board of union local and board of managers, follows voluntary principle, equality and publicity.
Signaturing of the collective labour agreement of Company has more profitable regulations than law regulations for employees.

Some pictures of ceremony

Written : sza